“I joined Inspiring Strength in Women after having my second child and putting on weight during the pregnancy and after I made the decision to change my lifestyle and to get fit for when I return to work in the new year. I wanted to be the best version of myself.”
“When I first messaged Sharon on Facebook for her response was clear that her business was right for me. She made me feel so welcome and her dedication to my success really showed and made me want to join straight away.”
“There have been so many Bright Spots – I have truly felt the benefits of joining such an amazing fitness group and feel motivated and determined to reach my end of year goals.”
“I have been able to reach all of my monthly goals to date, especially with help of the recent 6-week challenge here at Inspiring Strength. I have now set new goals for the new year which I’m very excited to smash through.”
“So many great memories from pushing myself to complete some hard, intense workouts to achieving ninja of the month in December!”
Jane, 32, Redwood Park – December 2020