Hi, I’m Julie, mum of 3 grown children. I have a very active working life on a pear orchard which my grandfather planted in 1932.
Even though life is very busy, I have always had to watch my diet and exercise. However, it’s very easy to lapse and then you think “I will get into it tomorrow”. Trouble is, sometimes obstacles get in the way, you get bogged down and before you know it, tomorrow never comes.
Thankfully I came across Sharon’s Inspiring Strength in Women. I desperately needed to get fit again, lose weight and get a different perspective on my life. I had dug myself into a hole, and needed to get out of it.
My largest obstacle was my lack of fitness, but from the moment I had my first assessment with Sharon, I felt determined that I could do this.
I joined the fitness challenge with a simple, but effective, nutrition plan, and I haven’t looked back. I am stoked at my results. Weight loss, being able to cope better, being stronger and fitter and becoming more confident again – builds your self esteem. I could actually see my figure changing and feel my strength building!
I thoroughly recommend Inspiring Strength in Women. The small group sessions are like having a personal trainer at your side every day. I am reaping my rewards and will not let them go again! I feel 100%, compared to when I began!
One special tip I have: Don’t say it is too hard! Don’t put it off. Give yourself time to look after yourself for a change, and the people closest to you will definitely appreciate your efforts. You owe it to yourself!
Julie, 61, Paracombe – December 2018